Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Times!!

I am so excited the time finally came that I became Manager at my work. I have been working really hard to get to this point and it paid off. It is a lot of work but I am ready for the task at hand. Things are looking up and it couldn't have come at a better time. I am so lucky to have the encourgement I do from my family and friends, (most of you know it has been a long time coming), and the flowers made my day!


Anonymous said...

where do you work? that's exciting good job!

The Gotzingers said...

HOW EXCITING!! CONGRATS WOMAN!! Sooo.... where DO you work??

The Weights said...

I'm glad you found my blog too! Your blog is super cute. Congrats on the promotion!

Unknown said...

YEAH! It is about time!
How did the guy you let go handle it?
Call me and lets do lunch! Will you still have Tuesdays off?

Chelsey Howard said...

Congradulations on the promotion. That's awesome! Exciting.